The 15 m wide and 13 m long PERI UP Public stairs was the biggest, non-anchored, free-standing public stairway which had ever been used in Germany. It was erected by trainee scaffolders with the materials and static calculation for the project supplied by PERI in Weissenhorn. With a great deal of commitment and enthusiasm, the team of trainees assembled the 5,500 individual components weighing in the region of 33.5 t.
PERI UP Public – scaffold stairs for public areas
PERI UP Public was developed with the focus on "safety for the user." Typical applications in public areas include providing access to grandstands, temporary pedestrian bridges or as replacement stairs for indoor or outdoor areas during refurbishment work. The system can be used as single continuous staircases or linked continuous staircases, dog-legged staircases or stair towers.
PERI UP Public complies with the latest regulations for public access points in terms of geometrical requirements for landing arrangements, the ratio of rise and tread, safety barriers and climbing over guardrails as well as vandal-proof requirements. With a permissible live load of 7.50 kN/m², the PERI UP Public system can also easily accommodate large public gatherings.
Promotion of trainees at PERI
Promoting the next generation of young talent has a high priority at PERI and numerous construction and scaffolding training centres are supported with materials and know-how. The Weissenhorn-based company was particularly pleased to lend its support for this very unusual event – the Skyscraper Festival – together with the Frankfurt Rhine-Main Chamber of Trades in order to promote the scaffolding trade in particular. Naturally, the enormous staircase construction not only presented the range of possibilities provided by the PERI UP Public system but also underlined the high level of the company´s planning expertise.
PERI in Frankfurt
Not only are the stairs specially erected for the Skyscraper Festival based on materials and know-how from PERI. For numerous other formwork and scaffolding projects, too, the Weissenhorn company supplied systems and support during the actual construction. Thus, six of the 18 high-rise buildings that could be visited throughout the festival were realized with the help of PERI formwork and scaffolding solutions.
Currently, an interesting PERI UP solution is in use in Frankfurt: protection scaffolding is ensuring smooth dismantling operations of the Henninger brewery grain silo in Frankfurt-Sachsenhausen. The so-called "Henninger Tower" was the tallest building in the city for many years.