The App
Once the required VGK confirguration such as parapet width, height and other project-specific conditions are input to the app, the user receives the permissible width of influence of the VGK parapet brackets.
The load bearing capacity of the anchor is already taken into account under approval-compliant boundary conditions. The requested width of influence for the execution is entered, and the effective anchor forces NSd [kN] and VSd [kN] are displayed in the results data sheet.
The results data sheet sums up all the entered project boundary conditions as well as a comparison of the permissible and existing width of influence.
Calculation basis
- DIN EN 12811: Temporary works equipment (04/2004)
- DIN EN 12812: Falsework - Performance requirements and general design (12/2004)
- DIN EN 1991-1-4: Eurocode 1: Actions on structures - Part 1-4: General actions - Wind actions (12/2010)
- Type test for VARIOKIT VGK Cantilevered Parapet Bracket (04/2016)
- Type calculation – Suspension Head VGK (03/2014)
- Verification report S-N 130297, LGA Nürnberg, 07.04.2016
- Additional calculations for the use of Bracket Post VGK 70 (ST_bts_2019/17031-1, ST_bts_2019/00502)
- PERI Design Information VARIOKIT VGK Cantilevered Parapet Bracket (04/2019)
- General Technical Approval PERI Anchor Sleeve M24 - Z-21.6-1768
- General Technical Approval PERI Screw-On Cone-2 M24/DW20 - Z-21.6-1766
- General Technical Approval PERI Adhesive Anchor - Z-21.8-2048
- General Technical Approval for alternative anchoring system - Nr. Z-21.6-1764
- Further calculations (ST_bts_2019/00503, ST_bts_2019/00508)
Additional information
- Instructions for Assembly and Use VGK Cantilevered Parapet Bracket
- PERI Tables 2015
Need assistance with the App?
Contact: apps-tools.service@peri.de